Klinedinst understands that eDiscovery can prove to be a vital part of successfully litigating a case and therefore requires careful planning, oversight and execution.
Our eDiscovery team has decades of experience working on cases ranging from those involving a few thousand documents to complex class-actions and government investigations involving millions of documents. Recognizing that eDiscovery can be costly, the team believes in collaborating closely with clients, including when pre-planning and budgeting.
Areas of service include:
- Preservation, including legal holds and third-party preservation letters
- Identification of relevant data
- Early Case Assessment
- Defensible document collection
- Drafting and negotiating of ESI protocols
- Meet and confer / pre-trial conferences on eDiscovery issues
- eDiscovery briefing and motion practice
- eDiscovery vendor selection
- Search methodology and data analytics
- Processing and hosting of data
- Document Review and analysis