Cam Picano


Cam B. Picano is a Paralegal in the San Diego office of Klinedinst. Even though she works out of the San Diego headquarters, she works closely with a wide array of attorneys across all of the firm’s California offices.

Ms. Picano provides case management, litigation and trial support on complex multi-party litigation involving civil disputes, construction, professional liability, product liability, real estate, environmental litigation, and intellectual property. She also oversees the complex insurance issues that often arise out of multi-party cases.

Within Klinedinst, Ms. Picano provides training to new employees. She also works with the firm’s training coordinator to provide MCLE-certified presentations on the use of technology in both trial preparation and the courtroom. Ms. Picano has been instrumental in introducing advanced document management software and trial technology support to the firm.

A native of Nebraska, Ms. Picano received her Bachelor of Science cum laude from the University of Nebraska.


San Diego
(619) 400-8000

Los Angeles
(213) 442-7000


Can Picano