The Klinedinst Asbestos and Toxic Tort Litigation practice group is comprised of attorneys and litigation support professionals with a high level of experience in the defense of asbestos and toxic tort claims.
From straightforward personal injury actions to complex wrongful death cases and mass actions, our team is adept at defending and winning cases for our clients. We have experience representing a wide range of clients in asbestos litigation, including retailers, product manufacturers, motor home manufacturers, remediation professionals and others in state and federal courts throughout California.
Our team approaches each asbestos and toxic tort claim on a fact-specific, case-by-case basis. In consultation with our clients, an aggressive and targeted defense strategy is developed which best suits the case and the interests of our clients.
The Klinedinst asbestos and toxic tort team is committed to client communication, and providing unparalleled services to our clients. Learn more by contacting one of our Asbestos and Toxic Tort attorneys today.