Gregor Hensrude’s article, “Does the Rise in Appellate Affirmation Rates in California Provide Insight into Changes in the Modern Justice System?” appears in the latest issue of PLUS Journal, the official publication of the Professional Liability Underwriting Society.

SEATTLE – PLUS Journal, the monthly publication of the Professional Liability Underwriting Society, has featured Seattle shareholder Gregor A. Hensrude in its October, 2015 edition.
In the article, Mr. Hensrude analyzes data from the California courts of appeal, specifically on how affirmation rates have been climbing upward since the mid 1990s. Mr. Hensrude looks at the data in further detail, and how the data may portend trends in case settlement, as well as the way our modern justice system processes and disposes of cases.
Klinedinst congratulates Mr. Hensrude on the publication of this terrific article. To review PLUS Journal, please click on:
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