Klinedinst PC once again sponsored Justice for All, the annual award banquet of San Diego Volunteer Lawyer Program. This year’s ceremony took place on September 17, 2015, and honored firms and individuals who help the San Diego community by offering pro bono civil legal services.
SAN DIEGO – San Diego Volunteer Lawyer Program (SDVLP) hosted its annual Justice for All Celebration on September 17, 2015. Klinedinst was pleased to sponsor this award ceremony once again, which honors exemplary attorneys and law firms for donating their time and services to the San Diego community.
“We are so grateful for Klinedinst’s ongoing support of SDVLP’s work and the Justice For All Celebration,” said Amy Fitzpatrick, Chief Executive Officer, San Diego Volunteer Lawyer Program.
SDVLP is a not for profit organization that seeks to provide the San Diego community with equal access to legal services. The organization relies on volunteer lawyers and charitable contributions to help provide legal counsel to those who would otherwise not be able to afford it.
Klinedinst has a long tradition of supporting SDVLP and its special events, including the Justice For All Celebration and LAF-Off (Lawyers Are Funny) comedy competition.
About Klinedinst
Klinedinst has become the go-to firm for clients across California, across the West, and across the globe. Our litigators, trial attorneys, and transactional lawyers guide clients through every problem, finding solutions at every turn. The firm serves clients from offices in Los Angeles, Sacramento, San Diego, Santa Ana, and Seattle. Whether representing businesses in court, helping negotiate transactions, or handling matters in state, federal, or appellate courts, Klinedinst attorneys help get the job done.