
Heather Rosing Presents on Judicial Isolation and Well-Being for the California Judges Association

Klinedinst CEO and President Heather Rosing teamed up with Patrick R. Krill and Judge Erica R. Yew to present on judicial wellness amid the pandemic for the California Judges Association.

SAN DIEGO – Klinedinst CEO and President Heather Rosing moderated and participated in a presentation for the California Judges Association on March 16, 2021. Featuring Patrick R. Krill, Principal and Founder of Krill Strategies, and Judge Erica R. Yew, Superior Court of Santa Clara County, the speakers dove into complicated issues related to isolation that are facing members of the judiciary and provided real-world tips and examples for improving wellness and resilience.

Heather L. Rosing, Esq.
Heather L. Rosing

Ms. Rosing has represented judges and commissioners in matters before the Commission on Judicial Performance and advised judicial officers on matters pertaining to judicial ethics. During her time as the inaugural President of the California Lawyers Association, Ms. Rosing also collaborated with the California Judges Association on matters pertaining to wellness for both lawyers and judges.

Patrick R. Krill

Recognized globally as a leading authority on addiction, mental health, and well-being in the legal profession, Mr. Krill is an attorney, licensed and board-certified alcohol and drug counselor, author, researcher, and advocate. He serves as a trusted advisor to large law firms and corporate legal departments throughout North America and Europe, educating them about and helping them navigate addiction, mental health, and well-being issues.

Judge Yew has served on the Santa Clara County Superior Court since 2001, where her judicial assignments have included a variety of court settings, including presiding over a dependency drug treatment court and other collaborative problem-solving courts. 

Hon. Erica R. Yew

Klinedinst extends its appreciation to Ms. Rosing, Mr. Krill, and Judge Yew for their work in protecting and serving the legal community. For more information, please visit the CJA’s Portal to Wellness and Resilience:

About Klinedinst

Klinedinst is the go-to firm for clients looking for litigation, trial experience, transactional representation, and legal counsel. The firm’s offices in Los AngelesSacramentoSan DiegoIrvine, and Seattle service the West Coast. What sets Klinedinst apart is the relationships our attorneys foster with each and every client. Klinedinst lawyers are indispensable strategic partners to business leaders, helping to achieve objectives and create proactive solutions to resolve the many legal challenges that businesses are confronted with every day. Whether vigorously advocating for clients in court, or guiding business transactions and negotiations, Klinedinst is the trusted legal advisor to have by your side.